Don't leave valuables in vehicles
Don't give lifts to hitchhikers or strangers
Park in well-lit and populated areas
Carry your driver's licence with you at all times
Lock your doors and windows when you leave your vehicle
Fit an alarm and set it whenever you leave the vehicle
Ensure your vehicle immobiliser is in working order
Park in visible areas where many people pass by
Make your security visible
Always use locking devices and chains (front/rear wheel and to the frame)
Install an alarm if possible\Always use a steering lock
Cover the bike/scooter
Leave in full view when in public
Ensure it is secured in a locked garage
Secure your helmet and riding gear away from the vehicle
Mark all major parts with engraver or micro dots
Register your bike details for free on the Bikelinc website- this will assist police to contact owners if the bike is lost or stolen
Always lock your bike when left unattended
Engrave your drivers licence number onto the bike frame to assist police to identify owner- Neighbourhood watch often provides bike engraving at local schools