Lock your doors and windows even when you are at home
Lock security screens on doors EVEN when you are home and remove the key (place the key away from the door)
Set your alarm whenever you leave if you have one (consider installation of one)
Lock your roller doors, sheds and outbuildings
If going out at night, leave a light on inside the house
Leave a radio or stereo on quietly (it can sound like someone is home)
Place Neighbourhood Watch stickers on windows, metre boxes, wheelie bins to show that you are proactive- stickers can be picked up from the Gosnells Neighbourhood Watch Resource Centre in Maddington.
Place a padlock on your metre box
Consider installing external security lighting
Ensure gates are locked, and fences are secure
Install security cameras and register on Cam-Map WA

Secure personal belongings in locked homes, sheds or outbuildings
Engrave bicycles and scooters
Engrave home equipment such as televisions, radios, stereos, computer equipment
Keep a list of your personal belongings and photographs for insurance purposes
Mark belonging with your address with an ultra violet pen
Engraving tools and UV pens are available at the Gosnells Neighbourhood Watch Resource Centre!