We are a dedicated group of volunteers committed to improving the quality of life of residents by increasing community safety.
Through-out the year we conduct various events and activities promoting community safety including:
Shopping Centre Displays
Crime hotspot door knocks in partnership with the Police and City of Gosnells
Bike engraving days at local schools
Community Safety and Security Presentations
Anti-Theft Screws Number Plate Program
We attend many events held by the City of
Gosnells including:
The Illuminate Festival
Fusion Festival
Australia Day Breakfast
Harmony Week and NAIDOC Week events

We aim to give our community the cause and confidence to reach out and talk to their neighbours
In 1988 the Gosnells District Neighbourhood Watch (GDNHW) Committee undertook the enormous task of introducing Neighbourhood Watch to the members and residents of the City of Gosnells, with the support of the South East Metropolitan Police District, the City of Gosnells and registered volunteers
The objective of Neighbourhood Watch is to bring a feeling of safety, security and pride to all residents, to look out for one another within their everyday lives and our living environments.
From humble beginnings, GDNHW continues to grow and support the local community. We are proudly supported by Maddington Central Shopping Centre who provide us with a rent free Resource Centre, which is staffed by volunteers. We have formed strong bonds with the community over the past 32 years, and we strive to continue this valuable community work long into the future.